Honbu Tsunami Renmei
-strona główna

Contact with Tsunami


Honbu Dojo Tsunami Renmei
Headquarters with International Tsunami Federation





Representation, contact,

location of Headquarters 

and transport connections



Coordinating activities of Karate Tsunami

in Poland and all over the world occupies:


                                                    the founder

of Karate Tsunami
soke Richard Murat 10 dan,
The President of Tsunami Renmei
– International Tsunami Federation
and also The President
of  Polish Martial Arts Federation

and Sports of Fighting. 


Soke Richard Murat 10 dan 

 runs in Warsaw


Honbu Dojo Tsunami
Tsunami Headquarters - Central Tsunami Office

(Renmei - International Tsunami Federation).





  Adress :



Richard Murat
04-852 Warsaw, Poland,

ul. Patriotów 247


e-mail: ryszard.murat@neostrada.pl


 In case of any matters associated with Karate Tsunami

please contact at these addresses.



International contact


   With authorization of the founder of tsunami system - soke Richard Murat 10 dan, shihan Vladimir Parfieniuk 7 dan coordinates the development of tsunami in chosen regions of Poland as well as in many other countries in international global scale.

   Shihan Vladimir Parfieniuk 7 dan because of his fluent knowledge of a number of foreigner languages is also responsible for being in touch with people from different countries whom are interested in practicing tsunami.



                      International contact


      Shihan Vladimir Parfieniuk 7 dan



   You can also

  • write letters in traditional way to the Main International Tsunami Federation Headquarters in Warsaw/Poland
  • or write letters in digital way by e-mail: vladimir.parfieniuk@gmail.com
  • send sms or call directly to shihan Vladimir Parfieniuk’s mobile phone - 0048601981708 in these languages: English, Italian, Russian.

                            International contact

Shihan Vladimir Parfieniuk 7 dan

In order to undertaking practice tsunami contact

with shihan Vladimir Parfieniuk 7 dan

by mobile phone 0048601981708

by e-mail: 






On the photo shihan Vladimir Parfieniuk 7 dan perfects

kick yoko-geri-kekomi on the Spanish Tenerife Island.




Scena z rozmów z delegacją Iranu w Warszawie 22 wrzesnia 2009 roku. Od prawej przedstawiciele Federacji Tsunami Renmei: wiceprezydent shihan Włodzimierz Parfieniuk 7 dan i prezydent soke Ryszard Murat 10 dan.

Od lewej przedstawiciele strony irańskiej: Mehdi Ali Mohammadi 5 dan, Masih Zakaria 4 dan

                                           oraz tłumaczka i menedżer delegacji Fariba Abbasgholi Nejad Asbaghi.


Położenie Honbu Dojo i dojazd do niego:   


   The Honbu Dojo is located in the right-bank part of Warsaw, on well known housing estate Warsaw – Radość, at the crossroads of Klimatyczna and Patriotow streets, which is one of the main and longest streets of the Poland capital city.


   Radość is the most famous and exclusive housing estate in the capital of Poland and its name means 'joy'.


Honbu Dojo


Honbu Dojo's  view from Patriotow and Klimatyczna streets' side.


   To arrive Honbu Dojo it is possible with all means of transportation:

  • by car – Patriotow street which is one of the main and the longest streets of the the capital city (during trainings which take place every day it is possible to drive through the open gate to the inner Honbu Dojo’s car park),
  • by bus, especially No. 521 which goes through the Centre of Warsaw - Jerozolimskie Avenue, from the Central Railway Station, in direction Falenica quarter (one should leave out near Honbu Dojo),
  • by a commuter train- from the station Warsaw Śródmieście to direction Otwock (one should leave at the station Warsaw Radość, located near Honbu Dojo).

   It is very easy to find Honbu Dojo, because it is surrounded by a high red wall, and above the main gate there is a gigantic yellow banner with the inscription: CENTRALNA SZKOŁA KARATE TSUNAMI - KARATE TSUNAMI CENTRAL SCHOOL.


 The most outstanding Vietnamese masters of the style vinh xuan (wing chun kung-fu) in front of the entrance to Honbu Dojo

 in Warsaw after the demonstration in front of soke Richard Murat on 30-th November 2007. From the left  Bui Ta Hoa 6 dang, Tran Thanh Ngoc 7 dang, Nguyen Ngoc Tien 7 dang, soke Richard Murat 10 dan – the president of Federation,

the great master Nguyen Ngoc Noi 10 dan – the chief vinh xuan in Vietnam, Nguyen Thi Phuong Dung 6 dang

and Yaroslav Duczmalewski 7 dan (the system of Red Phoenix, Treasurer of  Federation).

           In front of the Honbu Dojo in Warsaw. The oldest veterans tsunami from Kutno after arriving into Honbu Dojo

on 22 of February 2009. In the middle soke Richard Murat 10 dan. From left: sensei Vladimir Stepniak 1 dan,

sensei Andrew Misztal 1 dan, sensei Yan Najberg 1 dan, shihan Tadeusz Ryniec 6 dan.

Renmei                              We would like to remind that in Honbu Dojo:
  • there is Headquarters of International Tsunami Federation (Japanese: Tsunami Renmei),
  • there is Headquarters of Polish Martial Arts Federation and Sports of Fighting,
  • take place meetings and councils of leaders,
  • various styles from country and from abroad, 
  • take place instructors courses for persons from various styles,
  • take place meetings and councils of members of the Tsunami authorities from country and from abroad,
  • take place taikai - conventions and sesshin - training camps and judge’s courses,
  • everyday take place trainings of various age groups advanced ones and also individual trainings (on character of private lessons),
  • there were recorded takes to various television programs. odbywają się kursy instruktorskie dla osób z różnych stylów,
      In Honbu Dojo practice persons:

  • different age (since 4,5 years old till 80 years old),
  • people of both sexes,
  • different levels of advanced (from beginners to highly masterly-one of persons has 6 dan and the title shihan - Japanese 'the great master'),
  • various professions: preschools pupils, students, physical workers and intellectual ones,
  • usinesses, doctors, scientists (among them two with title professor- cardiologist physicist,), policemen and even monks,
  • various faith and outlooks of life: Catholic, members of the Orthodox church, Muslims, Buddhists, Agnostics and Atheists.

     The consecration of Honbu Dojo 23-the March 2003 by the Roman-Catholic priest father Gregory Badziag OFMCap.

(the Capuchin order). He is well known instructor and chaplain in Tsunami, the owner of high masterly degree 4 dan and the title of renshi (Japanese 'many times master'), he runs activities in Krosno (Podkarpackie region). At that ceremony there were invited by soke Richard Murat 10 dan other Tsunami instructors - various faith and outlooks of life: the first from the left doctor kyoshi Andrew Juskiewicz 5 dan (Agnostic, Olsztyn, Poland), the second - logistic director shihan Vladimir Parfieniuk 7 dan (the believer of Orthodox Church, Hajnówka, Poland – Modena, Italy), the fourth - businessmen sensei Valdemar Lademan 2 dan (the supporter of Jehovah's Witnesses, Gdańsk, Poland), the fifth - a worker for voluntary causes sensei Robert Tchaykovsky 1 dan (the representative of Judaism - member of the board of Maccabi World Union and delegate for World Jewish Congress, New York, USA) and renshi Gregory Badziąg 4 dan (the Roman-Catholic priest, Krosno, Poland).


   All activities in Honbu Dojo take place in small groups (till 12 persons).  
   In Honbu Dojo runs activities personally soke Richard Murat 10 dan the founder of the system Karate Tsunami (he also exams for degrees) and with youngest groups runs sensei Renata Murat 1 dan.


 Murat  Murat

  In the photograph from left: soke Richard Murat 10 dan and shihan Vladimir Parfieniuk 7 dan,

from right: sensei Renata Murat 1 dan.   


   In the case of willingness of participating in training  group or individually one should get in touch with soke Richard Murat 10 dan (by the phone or writing to the given e-mail) and fix terms with him. 


   We would like to invite you cordially.

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