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Tsunami (Japanese: 'the great wave') - this is the style
of art hand-to-hand fighting, founded in 1979 year in Poland
by the lawyer Richard Murat.
In Tsunami style were harmoniously connected
modernity and tradition: among other things
modern training methods with traditional techniques of fight.
Tsunami is the only style of art hand-to-hand fight,
which not only came into being in Poland,
but also it achieved spectacular international successes.
The best proof there is the fact,
that at present it is being practiced not only in Poland,
which is its lair, but also in various countries
of Europe, Asia, Africa, America and in Australia.
Thanks Tsunami is won Poland worldwide acclaim, and Tsunami itself belongs to the Polish cultural legacy.
It is exactly thanks to establishing Tsunami come to Poland for several dozen years to study secrets of martial arts instructors from various countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, America and in Australia.
For schooling under soke Richard Murat’s eye come persons from various continents,
raising their level of training and passing exams. On the photographs from the left: A.Agisilaou
4 dan (Cyprus, Europe) and V.Ovsiannikov 7 dan (Komsomolsk on the Amur river, Russia, Asia)
during the exams for masterly degree and Africans: C.Adelino, A.Congolo and R.C.Ferreira
after a training run by soke Richard Murat in Warsaw.
Richard Murat as the founder of Tsunami he has in this style title soke (Japanese “founder, head ”) and interchangeably taishi (Japanese “patriarch ”) and he is the owner of the higher masterly degree 10 dan.
From the left: the certificate of soke Richard Murat confirming 10 dan, signed in 1999 by leaders
of the organization of various styles, among
others things as many as four owners of 10 dan. From the right: the discretionary cup, which in relation to receiving the degree 10 dan by Richard Murat on 30-th May 1999 gave him representatives of the highest local authorities and state authorities – the President of the capital city Warsaw
and of the President of Republic of Poland
during special 9-th Festival of the Far-Eastern
Martial Arts in the Palace of Culture
and Science in Warsaw.
As the chairman of the Tsunami Federation Renmei,
established by him on 12 October 1980,
soke Richard Murat since the beginning has coordinated
the development of Tsunami style in Poland and in the world.
Since 1989 he also has acted as the chairman of
the Polish Martial Arts and Sports of the Fighting Federation
which is the largest organization, consisting of 33 all-Polish associations of various styles, among the others things Tsunami.
For regulations we add, that – according to the decision of soke Richard Murat, taken on the basis of rules being in effect in many languages – Tsunami as the name of the style we capitalizes it and then it refers exactly to this specific system, in contrast with term tsunami does not capitalize, which means already popularly well-know natural phoneme (Japanese "the great wave"), from which Tsunami system took its own name.
The name Tsunami for describing this system
soke Richard Murat adopted a few months
before formal announcing its founding,
which took place during the first training,
which he run Kutno in Poland in the beginning of March 1979.
The Tsunami system
was founded in 1979
in Kutno
in central Poland.
On the photo: the founder
of Tsunami soke Richard Murat
10 dan (the first from the left) with his oldest students (participants during the first training in 1979)
and also the first Tsunami instructors – during the ceremony
of dubbing them to masterly degree 1 dan the Honbu Dojo (Central Tsunami School) in Warsaw.
Receive congratulations, sensei John Najberg 1 dan. In za-zen sit-: sensei Vladimir Stępniak 1 dan
and sensei Andrew Misztal 1 dan. Next to soke Richard Murat stands another veteran of Tsunami -
shihan Thaddeus Ryniec 6 dan (chairman of the Tsunami Center
in Kutno, Poland).
The Tsunami founder soke Richard Murat worked out all techniques and tactical solutions of the system, its ideological principles, organizational ones methodology and the principles of training, he gave them precise name in Japanese, and worked out requirements for degrees in Tsunami and the program for training instructors of this style.
These issues (concepts and rules) composed entirely on Tsunami system, soke Richard Murat presented in many books, brochures and other publications.
The oldest Tsunami colour poster,
printed in several thousand copies
and being a large hit
in the beginnings of this style.
The poster presents soke Richard Murat
and one of Warsaw Tsunami instructors
during a training fight.
An artistic drawing seen
on it was done from
a photograph from a gym.
This historical poster
has many Tsunami veterans,
and one copy hangs
in the honor place
in Honbu Dojo
(Central Tsunami School)
in Warsaw.
To be precise it is worth to add, that since the beginning of the Tsunami style both soke Richard Murat, and other representatives its use name quite often in connection with the terms Karate and Karate-do, which is not necessary, but it is a manifestation of the technical core of that style. For this reason, one can meet with three names of the system: Tsunami Karate, Karate-do Tsunami or just briefly: Tsunami.
On the other hand, for describing followers of Tsunami (students, members and supporters) soke Richard Murat applied the simple name: tsunamists, which already universally was accepted in the world.
The Tsunami style is aimed for achieving of maximum effectiveness in the real fight. It includes all possible an effective in the real fight techniques, with the special pressure put on using the most dangerous techniques an assailant.
The Tsunami founder soke Richard Murat 10 dan during practicing of yoko-geri-kekomi kick in the training fight (kumite) with hanshi Vladimir Parfieniuk 8 dan. He profession is logistics, he works in international corporations, acts as Vice-President of Tsunami Federation Renmei and coordinates Tsunami development in a lot of countries on various continents.
The example of the characteristic for Tsunami learning of fight (kumite). Against the attack
of hanshi Vladimir Parfieniuk 8 dan with the powerful kick yoko-geri-kekomi his opponent effectively defenses by the moving himself out of the line of the attack yoko-uke with the security block
uchi-ude-uke. Both are well-known for their very strong and precise techniques and large
effectiveness in fight. Sensei Gregory Niemiec is a lawyer (he graduated from the Faculty of Law
and Administration of Warsaw University, the same as soke Richard Murat) and works
as an officer in Headquarters of the Border Guard in Warsaw.
In Tsunami style all exercises with the use of various instruments play a very important role, e.g. bo (a long stick), nunchaku (a short flail), tonfa (a stick with a side handle), kama (a sickle), tanto (a knife), and even other things found by chance like keys, a brief-case, a shovel or a chair.
Example of the Tsunami training with the use of sickles.
Hanshi Vladimir Parfieniuk 8 dan and soke Richard Murat 10 dan during the training of fight
with use of their family sickles, from several years used in their families to the horticultural work.
According to the Tsunami style objects that are within the reach of hand, for example a spade,
they can be used with great effectiveness in fight with a brutal assailant, armed in a dangerous
tool, for example in a knife. Demonstrate: soke Richard Murat 10 dan and shihan Thaddeus
Ryniec 7 dan (Kutno). He is a computer specialist and one of the oldest Tsunami veterans,
well-known for his great effectiveness in fight.
The special feature of the sunami is treating and recognizing this style by all practicing people not only as the aim, but also as the means for self-improvement. For that reason in tsunami the huge emphasis, much greater than in other martial arts, is laid on mental exercises, specially meditation ones. These exercises harmoniously connect the principles of meditation, worked out in both: in the East and in the West.
In sunami the psychical aspect is of great importance. The meditation exercises during
the training process are practiced to the greater extent than in other styles of martial arts.
In the photo soke Richard Murat 10 dan runs meditation exercises with instructors during
the 12th Tsunami Congress in 1994, in the most famous place in Poland: Warsaw’s Palace
of Culture and Science. This photograph also illustrates efficiency
and organizational power of Tsunami.
Tsunami achievements, its founder and principal instructors have been
appreciated not only in martial arts environment and by various
state and local authorities (in the form of prizes and diplomas of recognition),
but also by the head of the state – the President of the Polish Republic.
The tangible reflection of it are state decorations – the Merit Crosses,
awarded by the President the Polish Republic to many Tsunami instructors.
Above there are testimonies of those decorations handed Tsunami instructors whom are visible
on the photographs presented here. From the left testimonies: shihan Vladimir Parfieniuk 7 dan,
soke Richard Murat 10 dan and shihan Thaddeus Ryniec 7 dan.
Richard Murat published a large number of publications: articles, brochures, films and books.
He was whom in 1980 published the first book on Karate range in Polish - "Karate Tsunami 10 kyu",
which received great publicity. On the photographs there are examples of his publications
in Polish and other languages: English, Russian and Hebrew.
The loudest in history of Polish Karate
was the book of soke Richard Murat -
"Karate for beginners and advanced", published
in 2003 (the second edition - in 2008) by the prestigious publishing house ’’Book and Knowledge’’. It has nearly
400 pages and contains thousands of unique illustrations.
They present extremely brutal use of effective techniques
in fight, shocking for delicate representatives of some styles. This book received large recognition and high assessment, among masters, having the highest masterly degrees (about that prove reviews of four holders
with 10 dan placed on its cover).
This book of soke Richard Murat,
titled "Karate for Beginners
and Advanced", was published
in English language by the prestigious publishing house “Atlantic Publishers and Distributors” in 2006.
This book has already become
the loud bestseller in the world, especially in English-speaking countries.
This is the first book of a Polish author in the history of the Polish sport, published in another language.